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Virgo New Moon: Pivotal Improvements

It’s the small habits.

How you spend your mornings.

How you talk to yourself.

What you read and what you watch.

Who you share your energy with.

Who has access to you.

That will change your life.

Michael Tonge

Virgo New Moon:  Daily Routines create wellbeing. Mother and daughter wash their face

The New Moon at 11 Virgo on September 2, 2024, at 9:55 pm EDT

affords us the opportunity to make small improvements in our daily lives and offers us space to catch up with ourselves. We are being challenged to manage our energy well. We may feel depleted and potentially resistant to initiating changes we want to make. It serves us to slow down, not rush or push, and not be overly ambitious. Small measurable changes that we successfully integrate into our daily routine can result in greater health and inner calm. The first weeks of September can be a time where we refresh or push the reset button for our life.


Saturn oppose the New Moon 

New Moon Ruler: Mercury square Uranus, Trine Chiron, sextile Jupiter and Mars

Mars square Neptune 

Pluto returns to Capricorn

Uranus stations retrograde


This is the optimal time to set an intention for what we want to manifest in the next month After the exact moment of the New Moon there is another 24 hours when the Moon is still dark, not yet illuminated in our night sky. This is the time to plant the seed that we will nurture and grow in the weeks following. Look to the house in our natal chart where 11 Virgo resides for clues as to the area of life primed for a new sense of balance and wellbeing.

Virgo New Moon:  Pay attention to details and the big picture will take care of itself.  Socks on a clothesline

When you pay attention

to the detail,

the big picture

will take care of itself.

Georges St. Pierre

Virgo finds fulfillment in small, mundane things. Virgo wants to get it right and will give generous attention to the details. As the sign of health and healing, we are encouraged to address imbalances in our life and address them in a methodical, pragmatic way. Enacting a kind of feng shui of our lives, we are to identify where our life is messy or chaotic and take steps to clean it up so there is greater order.


We are motivated to discern a key source of stress and imbalance, then create a simple plan to upgrade clean up act and declutter our thinking. The New Moon encourages us to think of small changes we can make to boost our health and overall energy.


To maximize the potential of the New Moon:

Discern what we can initiate

that would be healthiest choice we can make,

That will bring a new method or practice into our daily routine.

Choose one project or one priority. 

Have it be something that is small and manageable.

Keep it simple.

Once we have this one down,

Then we can go to the next project or priority.

We are to listen to ourselves and honor our humanness.

We may need to go slower than first imagined.

We may need added time to rest.

The practice of staying with one task until it is completed and then going to the next will help to focus and calm us in the face of a tendency to multitask, be busy for the sake of being busy or consistently finding ourselves distracted from what we set out to do (Jupiter in Gemini).

Virgo New Moon:  Washing dishes and other daily routines are the foundation for wellbeing

So, we have a paradox

where washing the dishes one time

is seemingly unimportant.

But washing them 10,000 times

(consistently, every day)

is important because that repetition

ensures that we always have plates

and silverware at our disposal.

But we can’t wash the dishes

10,000 times unless we start

by washing them once.

A single action done correctly

and repeatedly

makes all the difference in our lives.

Alex Kakuyo

Slow Down, Listen, and Discern

Saturn oppose the New Moon 

Saturn restrains and inhibits. It is reining in and focusing the New Moon's energetics, purposely slowing us down. We may experience a delay in something we have been working on or find ourselves putting the brakes on something. We may be the on es holding the reins and purposely slowing things down. Perhaps we feel less vitality and are in need of a break. Or perhaps we are seeing how we are overdoing something, having bitten off more than we can comfortably chew.  Rather than just staying busy or giving into expectations we or others have put on ourselves, we are prompted to listen to ourselves and be discerning about our schedule. We are to decide what and how much we can take on without losing our sense of balance, peace of mind or sense of spaciousness. Finding the quiet, the silence within our lives and between each task will help to restore and maintain vitality. We are to balance periods of activity with periods of being at rest, and optimally, to discover how to be at rest while engaged in activity.


Saturn in Pisces is at the tail end of a 30-year cycle, inviting us to go inward. The next months, we are to give ourselves time to reflect on and grasp the bigger picture in which we operate. The Virgo New Moon is viewing life through a magnifying glass and the opposing energetic of Saturn reminds us of the larger movements in which the New Moon and September are occurring. isn’t just about sorting

through things and getting rid of clutter.

It’s about taking stock of who you are,

and how others see you.

It’s a chance to redefine

yourself, to change expectations,

and to remember

that it’s never too late

to recapture who you were,

or to aim for where you want to be.


Mental Inspiration. Personal Leadership

New Moon Ruler: Mercury

Mercury trine Chiron, square Uranus, sextile Jupiter and Mars


Mercury has just emerged from retrograde and is slowly moving forward. Emerging from August, we have a new cognitive understanding that we are ready to express and put into play. 


Mercury trine Chiron. Mental inspiration surges, healing the wounds surrounding our self-confidence. New avenues to creativity and new options allow us to embrace a personal leadership can inspire us to at last break a bad habit or start a new routine. We can take practical steps to change something in our power to change as an act of self-empowerment.  


Mercury Square Uranus. This is the third and final square between these planets in a monthlong process to get us out of the box of our own thinking. Worn out justifications, beliefs or excuses are breaking down to allow for new ideas and concepts to flood into our awareness. We have been dismantling areas of mental rigidity that have kept us small. We may be ready to declare or assert something, willing to shake things up if needed. Recognizing the inherent power of words, we are to be mindful about the words we choose and counter a tendency to be impulsive, reckless, or speak without thinking.


Mercury sextile Jupiter and Mars. We are compelled to express ourselves, to stand up for what we believe or know is right. There is great potential for generative conversation if we can move a step beyond expressing our viewpoint and to also listen, consider and respond to what others are communicating. In all likelihood, we are sifting through exaggerated facts or claims, and the impulse to persuade others to our point of view (Jupiter sextile Mercury and Chiron) so that true dialogue, collaboration and expanded understanding can be found.

The secret of your future

is hidden in your daily routine.

Mike Murdock

Shift of Seasons, Change in Focus


Annually, the Virgo New Moon marks the shift into the fall season. There is a settling down, an increased sense of focus, and an eye to excellence in how we approach and complete tasks and plans. 


This Virgo New Moon also marks additional shifts occurring on this day as Uranus stations Retrograde, Pluto reenters Capricorn, and the Fall Eclipse Season officially begins.


Uranus stations Retrograde. There is a magnification of our desire in areas of life where we seek change. This can be accompanied by delays or setbacks to changes we want to see happen. Rather than feel frustration or impatience, we can be curious about what is missing or what we have we overlooked. This may be a period where the desired change needs further marination. We may see rebellious or revolutionary expressions on the community or world stage instigated by those whose impatience has boiled over.  


Pluto returns to Capricorn for the last time and will hang out at 29 Capricorn until November 20.  When Pluto leaves Capricorn in November, it will not return to Capricorn for another 248 years, so these coming months mark a time of completion. 


Pluto, agent of transformation, is completing a 16-year journey in Capricorn. We are likely to experience intensity accompanied by unexpected twists and turns in the unfolding story of the collective. Pluto in Capricorn has been exposing the corruption within, systems, governments and corporations in a process to deconstruct what lacks integrity. Simultaneously, it has fueled the personal ambitions of leaders and those with great wealth to increase their power and position in the world.


The anaretic degree, the last degree of a sign, amplifies the shadow tendencies of the sign.

In Capricorn, with Pluto at the last degree until November 20, we can see a further amplification of autocratic governance, increased corporate power, and the strengthening of hierarchy with all power coalesced at the top. Those holding power who have the most to lose when Pluto moves fully into Aquarius, will now fight for increased control and may resort to ruthless methods in their attempts to keep and even increase their power. It can seem like they will succeed, but to whatever degree it does, it cannot last in the face of what is coming as Pluto moves through Aquarius. 


As Pluto goes backward into Capricorn, there is a feeling that we are ‘going backwards’, going back to something familiar, wanted or unwanted, but the winds of change are coming. In truth, we can only go forward into a future that will be a departure from what we have known. It is best that we do not try to hold on to what we know or have, but to use Pluto’s last months in Capricorn to understand what we have learned about mastery, accountability, authority, and responsibility and how this has changed us and readied us for a new future. For those of us with planets at 28 or 29 degrees of a sign, this is a transformative time where we are asked to complete and release something and to await a new way of seeing.


The New Moon marks the beginning of the Fall eclipse season, with the first eclipse occurring at 25 Pisces on September 17. The restraint that Saturn puts on the New Moon is helping attune us to the larger shifts and changes we will be making. The New Moon counsels us to give our full attention on what we can affect, and to make small improvements that we know we can successfully make. Saturn in Pisces and the upcoming eclipse will help us to encounter what is ending and the release and surrender that is required so that we can move as smoothly as possible old ways of living and new beginnings that dawn in 2025 -2027.

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