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Aquarius Full Moon: Focus. Adjust. Refocus.

The secret of change

is to focus all of your energy

not on fighting the old,

but on building the new.


Aquarius Full Moon: Vision

The Full Moon on August 19, 2024, at 27 Aquarius packs a wallop as it stimulates and challenges our personal and collective vision for the future. 

We are in a dynamic process to clarify how we see our life moving forward within the larger context of the collective movement. We may find it hard to relax as we anticipate and adjust to unexpected information or events that cause us to pivot, shift and re-evaluate our current direction.

Creative and innovative tendencies can be ignited as genius ideas, sudden disclosures or sudden new developments have us thinking outside the box. We may be inspired to make take bold action to resolve mounting tensions and emotional stress (3 T-Squares). We may make strides in understanding our future direction, and yet we can still anticipate more disclosures and surprises that will have us focus, adjust and refocus our thinking and plans in the months to come. It is beneficial to stay flexible, curious and open to the adventure of life which inspires us to a life of continual discovery and illumination.


Mercury Retrograde conjunct the Sun and Oppose the Moon

Sun at Apex of Yod with Pluto and Neptune

Three T-Squares:

  • Mutable T-Square: Mars/Jupiter at Apex square Venus and Saturn

  • Cardinal T-Square: Ceres at Apex square the Nodal Axis

  • Fixed T-Square: Full Moon Ruler Uranus square the Full Moon and Mercury

The United States: Harris, Trump, the DNC and the Full Moon

Full Moons are the peak moment of each lunar cycle when something in our life reaches a culmination point. The days leading up to the Full Moon bring increased momentum, activity and a mounting pressure. At the Full Moon, emotions and tides run high. Something comes to a head via crisis or breakthrough, and a desired resolution can be achieved. During the two weeks following the Full Moon, we are completing a month's journey and distilling the wisdom of the current lunar cycle, so we are ready for the invitation of the next New Moon.


Locating the house where 27 Aquarius resides in our natal chart shows us the area of life where we have a vision for the future that is now being challenged to adjust and expand in response to current stimuli.


This is the first of four Super Full Moons in a row, intensifying the pull on ocean tides and our emotional bodies. A Super Moon occurs when the Moon is at perigee, the closest point to the Earth in its elliptical orbit around our planet. The Moon’s close proximity to the Earth means it appears larger than most Full Moons and thus has increased energetic influence.

Change is the law of life.

And those who look

only to the past or present

are certain to miss the future.

John F. Kennedy

Resolution of the Aquarius /Leo Polarity. This is a potent Full Moon bringing intensity, challenges and sudden twists of fate that open us to truths and pathways previously unavailable. The Sun in Leo urges us to maximize our personal potential. The Moon in Aquarius provides the vision, a big picture understanding, and an enhanced awareness of how we exist within and as part of a collective. To navigate this time well, we are to not be swayed by societal trends but to be authentic and true to ourselves. From this place, we can validate and speak about what lights us up and how this can connect with and serve the needs of the larger community. Our personal goals need to stretch beyond a desire to fit in and get by. We are to give shape and definition to our unique place and purpose within the tapestry of humanity and the future we are weaving together. 


Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo. Mercury is roughly halfway through its current Retrograde cycle (August 5 to 28). We are mulling something over. The mind may be overactive and colored by feeling and imagination. We are wanting to shape our future plans by what inspires us and feel less compelled by the most pragmatic and reasonable path to take.


We are cautioned to not get caught in overthinking something. We can easily get stuck in a loop or fixated on one thing. By not believing we must get it all figured out now, the mind can relax some. 

There may be a desire to talk about or express our ideas. This is beneficial if we are not presenting them as the final word but as an invitation for others to be part of our process in shaping ideas and plans. What we are thinking now is still half-baked in that new information and upcoming events may cause us to focus, adjust and refocus our plans.

The Sun at the apex of a Yod with Pluto and Neptune. “The Finger of God” points to Saturn pressuring us to identify our purpose and dedicate ourself to fulfilling it. It is less about retrieving a lost dream or reaching back to reinvigorate an old dream. We are to move forward, to open ourselves to what is unexplored and unknown within us. We are being challenged to meet new parts of ourselves and be open to going to new places so we can discover our future self. We are cautioned to not be swept up in a collective movement, but to let our heart guide us to how we want to express and participate in the collective. By opening to the creative powers being unleashed, we move towards what will revitalize and empower our engagement with our future self.

To be yourself

in a world that is constantly

trying to make you something else

is the greatest accomplishment.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

 Three T-Squares: Dynamic Tension catalyzes Dynamic Action


A T-Square is one of the most potent astrological configurations. It involves a stressful relationship between 3 or more planets. This produces incredible pressure and restlessness but also boldness and a call to take strong action to resolve it. T-Squares herald upset and challenge that can result in great achievement. 


The Aquarian Full Moon has not one, but three T-Squares making this a powder keg of a Full Moon. Big shifts, bold moves, sudden upsets and big announcements can happen around this Full Moon. We are cued to be flexible and adaptable. The intensity and potential volatility will serve to dislodge us from old beliefs and awaken us to greater understandings (Fixed T Square involving fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Aquarius; a mutable T Square with Gemini-Virgo-Pisces ; and a cardinal T Square with Ceres square the Nodal Axis).


Awaken to Truths and Potentials

New Moon Ruler:  Uranus

Fixed T-Square: Uranus at apex square to Sun, Moon and Mercury

The Full Moon is ruled by the Awakener: Uranus. Its presence electrifies the Full Moon and promises to deliver something unexpected. Some communication or event may cause a disruption as a way to break up rigid thinking or release something that has been repressed. The more we have been inflexible or resistant to change, the greater the disruption may be. As the Awakener, Uranus has its sights set on getting us out of whatever box we are living and opening us to more expansive, larger perspective. 


We may experience sudden developments or revelatory news around the Full Moon. There is increased instability and the potential for an event that shakes us up. We may feel more restless and easily triggered without an easy way to release or quiet the tension. The tighter we hold the reins of life and want to control the outcome, the greater the tension we will feel.  We are to remember that life is an adventure, and it is through the unexpected twists and turns, sudden opportunities and surprises that we learn and grow in our awareness.


Uranus catalyzes the Sun/Moon opposition so we can resolve the tension between the individual and the collective. We are to recognize that we are not separate, and that through aligning with our individual soul purpose we will discover how to serve the larger community to which we belong.

 Our minds may crack open with new insight, a genius idea, or revelatory news that brings a big truth to light that upends our way of thinking (Uranus aspect three personal planets). The innovative and creative spirit within us is energized. Resistance to change can lead to confusion, mental exhaustion or nervous anxiety. We are primed to get out of the mental box we have put ourselves in and it serves us to welcome the unexpected when it arrives.


Uranus square the Sun. We feel the urge to be free of commitments and expectations that drain us, but cutting ourselves free of them is not so simple. Our thinking is original and innovative, but we may encounter pushback from the world. We are challenged to draw upon an inner strength that helps us know when to stand strong and also when to yield when life offers us a new way of looking at something.

Uranus square the Moon. We have nervous tension. Emotions are heightened. It can be hard to relax. Emotions that have been repressed or quieted within us may be triggered by current stimuli. By allowing the feelings to move through us, the vitality that has been trapped inside them is freed. But until this has happened, we may be feeling a current situation through the filter of old unprocessed feelings about something in our past.


Uranus square Mercury turbo charges the effects of the Mercury Retrograde (August 5 - 28). We feel a sense of urgency to figure something out and to make a big decision. We are to counter that urgency and give ourselves more time to contemplate, gather information, and pay attention to what is unfolding. Disruptions concerning communications, technology and travel may be stronger at this time. Through the next week, we are advised to express less and reflect more. Our mind is processing and integrating new potentials that may arrive suddenly and shift our understanding on some matter.


Big Ideas get a Reality Check

Mutiple T-Square: Mars conjunct Jupiter square Venus and Saturn

Mars saddled up alongside Jupiter this past week to super charges new initiatives, spark generative dialogue and fuel creative projects. We are to identify the most impactful way we can contribute to the collective and then how to assert what we can offer with courage and hutzpah (Mars/Jupiter at Apex of T-Square).


The Jupiter/Saturn square, embedded within this T-Square, will continue until mid-2025 with the next exact squares on December 24 and then June 15, 2025. The Great Conjunction of December 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn were conjoined in the sky, sparked a new vision that could carry us into a future that would be departure from the past and the status quo of the last decades.  Now, Jupiter and Saturn are encountering their first square, the first challenge to the vision that was sparked in 2020.

Our vision is being tested, given a reality check. We may encounter tough questions or receive information that calls into question the viability of our future dream. It is meant to test, not break us. We are to identify areas of vulnerability and make adjustments so that the plan moving forward is achievable. There can be great tension as we strive to live our values and ideals while also answering to the realities of money, time and the current commitments that pull on us. The friction of this tension will yield a way of working with current realities in a way that supports the shaping of a plan that leads to embodying the Aquarian ideals we espouse.


Venus in Virgo wants things organized and tidy. She is looking for facts and answers. She is not pleased with circumstances that are messy and with issues that are complex and tend to have conflicting factors. We can easily lose sleep with worry or experience stomach issues trying to get everything straightened out or clear in our head. We may have difficulty concentrating or feel overwhelmed with all the chatter, gossip, and volume of communications (Venus square Mars in Gemini). Wanting information that is exact and true, we may be sifting through communications that exaggerate or distort the facts (square to Jupiter in Gemini).

A relationship may disappoint us, or we have less toleration for certain behaviors in a given relationship (Venus oppose Saturn). We are encouraged to enter into an open-ended dialogue with someone about issues that need to be resolved without the expectation that there will be clarity or resolution at the end of the conversation. Instead, the intention of the conversation can be to air what has been hidden, to listen, and to discover new pathways in dialogue that lead to a deeper level of connection and understanding within the relationship


Remove Denial Around Nurturance

Cardinal: T-Square: Ceres at Apex square the Nodal Axis

Ceres is about nurturance. It is the food we eat and the source of where it comes from - the soil, seed, harvest, food distribution and grocery stores. The world’s food supply is at risk due to wars and climate change. If we do not take our food supply for granted, how would we behave differently? In looking at the future we are weaving, we are to consider how we can be a more active participant in either generating, growing or supporting the agricultural efforts that put food on our table.

You cannot step twice

into the same river,

for other waters

are continually flowing in.



The United States and the Full Moon


The Full Moon conjoins the US natal Moon. The Moon represents the people. Aquarius is a revolutionary sign, and the Full Moon stirs a revolutionary spirit in the people. Aquarius catalyzes the democratic spirit and values:  freedom, equality, justice for all. To the degree that the country is not in alignment with its values is the degree to which we are living within a turbulent, chaotic atmosphere. 


The US Democratic National Convention begins August 19, just as this full moon peaks, further illuminating the need to address the issues that threaten democracy. There is likely to be bold pronouncements or some unexpected twist of fate that accompanies the convention.  


The Full Moon directly activates the natal charts of both presidential candidates:

The Sun conjunct Trump’s Ascendant and Mars zeroes in on his image and how he projects himself into the world. With the Moon on his Descendent, Trump is challenged to balance his drive for personal power, loyalty and adoration (Leo Ascendant) by incorporating what will best serve all people (Moon on the Descendent).

The Moon conjuncts Harris’ Saturn in her 9th house. She is challenged to assume greater authority and to move beyond thinking that limits or keeps her small. There may be a reality check for her with facts coming to light about her past that need to be rectified so she can come into a fuller integrity. Circumstances will compel her to language and express her views and even to find a new way to language what is being felt but not yet spoken (Saturn in a tight Air Grand Trine with the North Node, Ascendant, Sun and Mercury).


U.S. Pluto Return is re-activated September 1 as Pluto Retrogrades back into Capricorn for the last time. Pluto has returned to the same position in the sky it occupied at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The challenge for the U.S. is to reinvigorate the principles that formed the country. Leaders and institutions that are not aligned with democratic values are being exposed. Democracy itself is at stake. Yes, we can lose it if we don't work for it. The potential is to move through a collective transformative process that leads to a rebirth of democracy and the vision that first established the country nearly 250 years ago.


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Preparing for the Paradigm Shift of 2025- 2026

90-Minute Webinar

Sunday, August 25

7pm EDT / 4 pm PDT


The webinar will explore:

  • 2024 as a year of transition

  • Opportunities this fall for how to prepare for the paradigm shift that will arrive in 2025 and 2026.

  • The upcoming U.S. Presidential Election in relation to the paradigm shift.

  • The sweeping, transformative change that Pluto is catalyzing as it enters Aquarius, the new beginning that will be unleashed when Saturn joins Neptune on the world axis point and how change will further accelerate when Uranus enters Gemini.

  • The incredible innovative and creative potential of the small grand trine between the outer planets and what it may mean for your life.


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