Astrology 101
Upcoming Class"
3:30 - 5:30
Jan. 19-
March 15
(7 sessions)
W. Asheville, NC
$84 a mos
for 3 months
Astrology Basics with a Twist - fun, interactive and experiential.
Symbols, concepts, planets and signs come alive as participants engage in a dynamic interactive learning process that utilize art imagination, and experiential activities.
Connections to the material and astrology are more readily absorbed and integrated because the relationship to the material presented has engaged, not just the mind, but your senses, intuition, and your body
A great way for students new to astrology to learn and synthesize terms and definitions and a valuable way for intermediate or advanced students to deepen their understanding of the foundational concepts.
Series 1 -- The personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), house system, elements and signs. ​
Series 2 - The social and transpersonal planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), aspects and cues regarding evolutionary impulse
Series 3 - Synthesis - Putting it all together.
Living with the Moon
Upcoming Webinar:
Spring 2020
Dates TBD
A Four-Session Webinar that occur over the course of one Lunar Cycle.
Enliven Your Relationship with the Moon
Discover ways to engage the Moon's Phases.
Maximize the potential of the Dark Moon period.
Strengthen reflective and intuitive sensibilities.
Align with cyclical time and ancestral wisdom.
Cost: $120 Early Bird Registration: $95
Get Intimate with the Night Sky
Upcoming Evenings
Evening classes held on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Asheville, NC
An experiential course in learning the constellations of night sky.
Observe and experience the procession of the planets and stars
:Learn the constellations and stories told by different cultures about them.
Understand how our ancestors navigated their life by the stars for travel, hunting, agriculture, festival dates, and how they embeded their knowledge into the stars to be referenced by future generations.
Each evening is complete in itself, and
classes will also build on upon the other.
Cost: $25pp Private Group Rate Available
Astrodrama - The Natal Chart Comes to Life
Upcoming Evenings
Offered onsite in
Western North Carolina
A large wheel outlining the twelve houses is placed on the floor.
Participants embody and express the dynamics of each other’s birth charts.
After instruction on key concepts and format, people are assigned a planet and take a position on the wheel as reflected in the natal chart that is being explored.
Participants engage with the dynamics of through selected chart through improvisation and dialogue.
Prerequisites: A rudimentary understanding of astrology is helpful, such as is found in Series 1 of Experiential Astrology classes. Beginner and professional astrologers welcome. No acting experience necessary
Thrive in a Mercury Retrograde
Upcoming Webinar
Contact Liv if you are interested in an Asheville class.
A 75- Minute Webinar
Offered 2 -3 times a year, in conjunction with a Mercury Retrograde period
Many feel a sense of foreboding about a Mercury Retrograde, when in fact the retrograde is a wonderful opportunity to thrive with certain activities.
Receive a comprehensive view of Mercury and get better acquainted with this planet by learning about its behavior and patterns of movement. Discover how Mercury works in our lives on a regular basis as we go over the nuts and bolts of how to make the most of a Mercury Retrograde.
Cost: $25 Early Bird Registration $22